TPC Pages

11 February 2025

The Long Awaited & Much Anticipated...the paving of Floyd St getting closer & closer

 Good Afternoon, Friends.

It’s been a while, I know, but good to be back.

So obviously a lot going on at all levels. Federally indicted members of the BOC here in the home county as well as the county manager getting popped for DUI, the usual shenanigans up at the Gold Dome & the happenings of Trump 2.0 & the not-so-unexpected pushback from “The Resistance/DC Swamp.”

Certainly a lot of items for discussion & I’ll be getting to some of those over the coming weeks. But first, some good news.

After over a decade of consternation & handwringing by many (yours truly included), the signature street of our beloved home city - Floyd - will finally be getting a full repave this year starting (weather permitting) right around the 1st of April (and no, this is not some cruel April Fools’ joke).

After having already completed the stormwater, sewage & water line projects, the gas lines are the current & final piece of the puzzle before paving can commence (apparently the gas lines have taken much longer than anticipated).

But then, after the paving is done, that glorious moment we’ve all been waiting for will finally become a reality. Our lives will forever be changed. A repaving from the Square all the way to 278.

And the People rejoiced!

Until next time,