Greetings, Piedmonteers, & we sure hope it's fine as wine for everybody out there; or, at a minimum, as dandy as candy.
So, what's the buzz?
Tommy Craig
William Thomas "Tommy" Craig, Esq. (WTC)
Well, I've looked over pretty much all available public documents regarding the old feller's bankruptcy proceeding.
As is almost always the case w/ someone declaring bankruptcy, a large majority of his debts are being discharged & that, naturally, is a bit bothersome, concerning & confounding, considering, just from the home county alone, he's made upwards (above?) $25 million over the last few decades.
So therefore, the question is begged:
Where the Hell did all of that money go???
Reading through the documents there are certainly some oddities there, particularly having to do w/ some of his family members being involved w/ the settling of this situation; however, I'm not going to get into that at this point (things might change if a particular family member were to become county attorney or something similar).
But for anybody wanting to get additional info on all of this, all of this is public information. So, w/ collegiate gusto & zeal, I'd recommend anyone & everyone to get after it! Put on your Citizen Journalist hat. Perform a Mitzvah, as some my ancestors would've said, & do the things you should be doing in order to be a productive member of society!
Do Your Part!
Also, in re: Craig
Was talking w/ one of the Network Chiefs just earlier today regarding the former "caustic county attorney."
Craig did indeed always hold himself w/ quite a level of aplomb, no doubt, coming across as graceful & cordial in a manner that would oftentimes ingratiate himself w/ many. Also, apparently, he always had powerful powers of persuasion. It is, in this writer's estimation, how he was able to do so many of the the things he was able to do.
Moving on...
Attorney Stephanie Lindsey
My, my, my.
A moment of weakness?
The pressure of the moment?
She, possibly having had her "Charley James" moment, and just basically not giving a Fv<K anymore?
As prescribed by state law, the Sheriff, Clerk of Court & the Probate of any particular county decides who the Legal Organ - the "paper of record" - is for that particular county (the newspaper that gets a bunch of money from that local government to run all the legals).
As is obviously the case (and has been for years),
if the Covington News didn't have Legal Organ status they would've been out of business many, many years ago.
Just a quick sidebar.
You understand.
Odds & Ends
The attempt of the Great Selling Out of Newton County continues, and we're not just talking subdivisions & apartment complexes here, folks.
Those data centers, though.
Most folks can't wrap their heads around the sheer volume of water that those things require.
The lifeblood of life.
We're very fortunate that we have such a multitude of riches when it comes to water in the GA Piedmont, particularly w/ sub-surface water; however, if we keep approving these damned things, that may very well (and quite likely) will not be the case for much longer.
Okay, then.