19 March 2025

A Follow-up on the WTC & Newton BOC Situations

 Greetings, Friends. Hope this write-up finds you well. 

So last week I had two pieces that dealt w/ the recent developments of the Newton Co BOC as well as another one talking about (WTC) Wm Thomas "Tommy" Craig's bankruptcy situation

We'll start w/ WTC

I actually had two different folks to reach out to me to tell me how I was doing it all wrong regarding Craig.

Here is one of the communiques I received from an apparent former subscriber: 

Gonna unsubscribe now. Without actual facts and context to show relevance to public interest, this post is nothing but gossip about a private citizen. 

I responded back w/ this: 

Certainly your prerogative, [name redacted]. 

Did confirm that the information is legitimate. All public record. NOT gossip. 

And considering he's gotten $2 million in taxpayer dollars from the NCSO over the last decade (and once again eclipsed $300K the past fiscal year on record), the whole "private citizen" thing is just a total non-starter. 


And certainly a strange hill to die on, in my estimation.

But, whatever. 

But before I move on,  I'll follow up w/ this: 

I believe that Newton Co, prior to the aforementioned $2 million, had previously paid Tommy Craig upwards of some $20 million dollars going all the way back to the 1970s. 

And let's not forget about the Bear Creek Reservoir & Newton Landfill boondoggles. 

Homeslice is totally 100% fair game, obviously. 

Moving on. 

Newton BOC 

According to an almost-always accurate source, most everybody didn't know about the Linda Hayes pick for Chair. Initially, several of us had assumed that our current State House Rep, Tim Fleming, was involved w/ this but I'm quite confident he wasn't & this source has confirmed that.

Apparently, he was just as surprised as the rest of us were when the news hit. 

So, the question is obviously begged, who in the hell was the driving force behind this decision? 

Well now, that's a damn good question, isn't it? 

I'm working on running down a few leads to try to figure that out.


