It's that time of the year, folks. It's time to support our exceptional & special sons, daughters, grandkids, nieces, nephews, cousins, siblings, friends & fellow Newtonians, and see them reach for glory & achieve their very best!
And friends, this event holds a special place in my heart as my Papa-in-law, Mr. Steve Biggers, has been involved with this tremendous cause for many years, as well as one of my "Sisters from another Mister" - Mrs. Latrelle Atha Cawthon. This is such a great thing for our community.
This year's edition was pushed back a few days due to inclement weather, but is now about to begin!
Newton County Schools are hosting the 2019 Special Olympics Track and Field Events March 25, 26, and 27 for hundreds of student athletes. The theme this year is Built to Amaze. The Schedule for the three days includes:
March 27 10:15 a.m. Parade from Sharp Gym around the Covington Square and Opening Ceremony at Sharp Field
March 28 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon Middle School and High School athletes track and field events at Sharp Field
March 29 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon Elementary School athletes track and field events at Sharp Field
Special Olympics will kickoff their track and field events on Wed, March 27 for the annual parade that starts at Sharp gymnasium at 10:15 and goes around the Covington Square, then back to Sharp field for the Opening Ceremonies around 11:00, involving all athletes from Newton County School elementary, middle and high schools as well as the Masters program (students who have graduated). On Thu, the 28th,, the middle and high school athletes have their annual track and field events at Sharp Stadium 10-12:00. The elementary school athletes have their track and field events on Friday from 10-12:00.
This year's Special Olympics track and field games will be held in memory of Cheryl White. Cheryl worked with special needs students at Mansfield Elementary School. Opening Ceremonies recognize Seniors or graduating students and NCSS special education staff that are retiring. Also presented is the Michelle Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award.
Each school prepares a banner for the current year's theme, uses it on their float in the parade or carries the banner in the parade, and then at opening ceremonies a winning banner is selected. Track events include the 50 and 100 yard dash. Field events include the softball throw, standing long jump, and running long jump. We also offer a developmental area offering wheelchair, walker, and assisted and unassisted 25 and 50 yard walk/run and a tennis ball throw.
It is a community event and we try to have other activities and free merchandise available for the students at the stadium for them to enjoy between events, i.e. face painting, balloons, and visits from the City of Covington Police Department, CHAMPS Drug Awareness, Chick-fil-A mascot, high school mascots, Newton County Animal Control dogs and Falconwood Farm goats.
This massive event could not be carried out without the help of the Newton County Special Olympics Management Team, headed by LaTrelle Cawthon with Hugh Waters as President, and all of the parents, NCSS staff, and volunteers from local schools and businesses. The events could not be held without the help of the businesses and individuals people who contribute financially to the event and give their time to come out and help with the festivities or help the athletes, as “buddies.”
A Great, Great Thing! |
Y'all come out & support our Olympians & be a part of this marvelous tradition!
*special thanks to Cathy Ginn & Latrelle Cawthon
*special thanks to Cathy Ginn & Latrelle Cawthon