The Chronicles
But then a couple of days later & the park was closed down & the mulch was removed. It was said the mulch that was provided by the Newton Co. government was not of "park-grade" caliber, though much investigation by TPC & others could never verify if this was even a thing, and the fact that other parks throughout Covington & Newton Co. used the same mulch.
Many felt like this was a situation of playing politics as it may have been having an adverse effect on the incumbent of the 4th district. Inquiries by this publication as to guidelines used in qualifying the mulch, or the official who ordered the removal of the mulch & the closing of the park have gone unanswered by Newton Co. in the last several weeks.
So we went down to Spillers Park today, May 12th, to see where things were at.
As you can see, the park is still closed. Over a month & nothing has been done.

Well, one thing was done - the Newton County Recreation Commission sign for Spillers Park was taken down.

Another example of government inefficiency? You decide...
Til next time.