TPC Pages

25 April 2018

No Kayla's Corner This Week :(

The Piedmont Chronicles

*Ed.note: regrettably, Ms. Leasure's weekly piece, "Kayla's Corner," will not run this week. Be sure to be on the lookout next Tuesday for her next edition. Thx for reading.  

Kayla's Corner

Kayla Leasure 

Author of TPC recurring piece, "Kayla's Corner," Ms. Leasure is originally a Walton Co. gal who studied marketing & advertising & loves the beach, the woods & her dogs while keeping herself busy with multiple projects & endeavors. She has her finger on the pulse of the home county like no other & is always "keeping an eye on Covington." A beautiful lady, inside & out, it is The Chronicles' true privilege to have her talents as part of our team. 

Kayla's Corner - Keeping an Eye on Covington